Saturday, December 29, 2012

This Year (December Favorites)

Hello there! How are you pretty ladies?
I wish I could say I'm doing great, but I'm sick. I've been so busy the past week. I was literally running from one activity to another for three whole days, and the whole stress has taken a toll on my health. I am in bed coughing, but hey, on the bright side, and there always is a bright side, I get to take the test I was supposed to take on a different date. Thanks goodness. The most hardest literature exam on the face of the planet. I got more time to prepare myself for it now. PLUS I got some time to write my new years' resolutions, and my December favorites! See? There always is a bright side to everything, even if your head feels like a crazy fat lady is bouncing on it with a Pogo stick. I've got the best descriptions, I know.
Well then, this year...
1. I'm gonna face my fears. Most concerning my fear of the other gender, and falling in love with it. It's scary as hell, but I face my stage fright, and I've faced many worse fears in my life. There's absolutely no reason why I shouldn't
2. I'm gonna do more sports. Has got nothing to do with being thinner, or anything close to that. I am quite happy with my figure, but I also have to think about my future health. Someday it's not going to be as easy to gain muscles as it is now. Go out, Roni! Take a walk! You love it, don't you?
3. In a continuation to what's been said in the previous one, I'm gonna take more walks. I love taking strolls in the streets. I find it soothing, and comforting, especially if I need to be nowhere. It clears my head. It makes me feel like I have time; time to think, time to breathe, time to digest the world, and time to simply clear my head.
4. I'm gonna try and be less judgmental and critical. It's not fair to others to place your own insecurities on them. Especially with men. I criticize them so much, because I'm sooo insecure about everything they say about me, and that is absolutely not fair. I need to get over my pride, and give more guys a chance, because I'm so critical (being afraid they might hurt me) that I push them away. I'm not as judgmental about girls, because I have kept telling myself not to year after year after year, and it's about time that my new years' resolutions from 2010 come true.
5. I have gotta stop cursing, or rather lower the amount like crazy. It's not ok. It makes me sound trashy, and there's nothing less appealing than a girl who curses a lot, in opinion that is. I have been cursing so much that I ran out of curse words, and looked at other languages for new curse words. That's not ok.
6. Put a lot into my school work. No additions needed.
7. I shall also leave people that are bad for me out of the picture. I have just been yelled at by a so called friend, for caring for her that is. If they don't want people to care about them, they are running in that direction.

This is some of the things I want to do this year. I will follow these through and maybe add a few once one is completed.

Now for my December Favorites:
1) Nail polish- KYM by ZOYA, because nothing spells holidays like red nail polish with metallic reflects in it. Such a nice warm red with copper and gold reflects. I loved it for this whole holiday season. I barely switched it out.
2) Candle- Ikea's vanilla candle. Even when not lit, it makes the entire room fill up with bakery scents that make your tummy growl! It is quite big for a one wick candle, and therefor lasts quite well.
3) DIY- Candle holders. I got some ideas off of videos and Pinterest and Tumblr, and made them into reality. My goal is the picture in front of you. I tied a bow around my jar to make it more festive. I think that lighting candles and putting up string lights are the human way of fighting the darkness that brings our dear winter. That is why a lot of winter holidays on the north of the planet deal with a lot of lights. I love lights. They literally brighten up my day. My Tumblr page is filled lights of all sorts. You better check it out!
4) Tea- any tea. I've been drinking so much tea, because of my sickness that I feel drunk on it. I love it, nonetheless.

Hope you have a blissful, blessed and evolutionary year! We all deserve it! Love you very much! Roni J.
P.s. feel free to write down in the comments what your resolutions are for the  year to come!

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Blackest Friday Yet? (70th Post!!)

Hello there! How you doin'?- Yup this is me affected by the much needed excessive watching of reruns of Friends yesterday. I need VACATION! WINTER BREAK COME SOON! So many exams! I just kinda wish tomorrow would really be the end of the world (I don't really want that, but the stress is making me cave).
I mean, I wonder how many people have actually given this whole theory much thought. With all the movies self titled by the event or speaking of its existence, and no one really can say what will happen. On one hand it's kind of insane to think of something that one thing's there one day, and the very next it's gone. It's weird to think of one person dying, but the entire world? Nuts. I'd rather think tomorrow's not going to be the blackest Friday of all. I'd rather think they just ran out of stone to write on, or that this day is a day of enlightenment. "The end of the world as we know it" might refer to ending all the murder and pain and ache. I hope that is it.
I'm sure you're all wondering what happened during the trip and the winter ball (actually I'm not sure that interests anybody on this earth at all). Mr. Guy is the most confusing guy I could have chosen to like.  Before the trip has even started I have gotten the most lovely information that he had been with another girl the night before, a girl of whom I've heard before.
During the trip he did and said tons of things that I think will forever remain a mystery (especially if the end is tomorrow). For example(s) he came up to me and said something nice I'm not really sure what it was, looked me in the eyes, and stroked my cheeks. Of course that made me melt like a chunk of butter being put into the microwave and run over by a truck, or he kept calling me queen bee. I'm not too sure why. And then one night he came up to me held my face in his hands, and looked me in the eyes (melted chunk of butter, anyone?), and then went on saying something along the lines of "I'm trying to show you some love, but I'm afraid you'll sting me" only much later did I think of making the connection between that and "queen bee", which both occurred on the same night.
I will try to insert a picture from my outfit in the winter ball, but nothing was really mine, so no outfit of the day it is. During that night one of the guys, a very sweet guy said something along the lines of "There's a giant elephant in the room, and someone needs to refer to it. Roni, your legs are endless!", which made me a little uncomfortable walking in heels, because I'm self conscious about my height anyways, but then another guy said "what are you talking about? That's really sexy", and I blushed a little, and a friend of mine said to the first guy "this so turns you on!", at which point I was absolutely RED, and he stuttered.... Hmmm.
Mr. Guy on the other hand made a similar comment, and another friend of mine said "she looks like a model". He then replied "she's better than a model. She's not only good looking, but she's also sweet like honey" continuing with the whole theme of me being "queen bee". Later on he said he loves me. He was, by then, much drunk from beer.
I hate being attracted to him. Not to speak about the possibility that he's taken by that girl, and completely unclear to me. Today in school he said, yet again, just before I was about to leave and thank God that he didn't say anything to me today wanting to stop this mad cycle, that he loves me. I asked him out of a scale of one to ten just how much, and he said "99". Just means how much these words mean nothing to him. When to me, as stupid and innocent as that might sound, they mean a whole lot more. These are three words that their combination scares the holy bejeebees out of me. He scares the bejeebees out of me. When he looked me in the eyes, he made me feel like I was about to pee my pants basically, and if these words mean so little to him, when speaking about him, then this thing is only friendship material.
I'm tired of being scared. I'm not scared of the end of the world as much as I am scared of one look from him. How does that make any sense?

Speaking of the blackest Friday yet. I have yet posted a Black Friday haul for you. So here it is:
From Urban Outfitters:
A gray speckled  wool backpack with forest green flaps made of velvet. I love backpack, if you haven't yet noticed it after my backpack post- Watch Your Back that I made in May. I love this one. Super nicely made and durable. Fits everything I need for school which is important.
A gray speckled maxi skirt that has colorful metallic thread weaving through it. It has a black mini skirt slip attached underneath, but the rest is fairly see through. It has two slits down the sides, and it is extremely winter appropriate.
Third and most exciting is the maxi dress. Beautiful black a little sheer maxi dress with cutouts in the back. GORGEOUS, sits perfectly, possibly the best thirty bucks I've ever spent on clothes. Love the stinking thing to pieces.

Moving on to Bath and Body Works, I made a candle purchase, but I bought the mini ones that were on a big sale, and I didn't want to have one scent burning on forever in my room especially since the holiday season is fairly short, and I have my Ikea vanilla candle burning as of now, and as of the past fourteen months or so (it's NEVER ending, but delicious).
1. I bought this mini candle holder that's beautiful. Nothing really special about it except for it being a sweet decorative way to light your candles.
2. Snowed in- description: Escape the frigid winter wind, wrap up in your toastiest blanket and warm up this inspiring blend of fresh juniper, sugared sap and sage for the perfect day in!
One of my two favorite candles I bought this time around. Smells like a winter wonderland, and like the mall right before the holidays when you walk past Bath and Body Works or Slatkin and Co. Love it. So nostalgic. A little perfume like, but in a good way. It's more florally than it is sweet, spicy, or fruity.
3. White Barn No. 1 Nutmeg and Spice- description: A toasty treat of spiced caramel sprinkled with nutmeg, this fragrance evokes delightful memories of relaxing weekend getaways in the country.
Smells liking baking and decorating Ginger Bread with friends. Nostalgia. Sweet, a little spicy, gorgeous. Also a favorite of mine.
4. Fireside- description: Fill your home with a cozy blend of cedarwood, leather and rich deep amber that warms you up like an evening by a crackling fire on a dark winter's night.
I love this to pieces, but I'm not sure everybody would love this. To me this smells like fire, leather, and men. I don't really know what about it, but there's something that rather reminds me of manly cologne.
 5. Cinnamon & Clove Buds- description: This warm and spicy blend of classic cinnamon, simmering clove buds and exquisite vanilla is sure to bring back happy memories of beloved holiday traditions!
Definitely not my favorite one because it reminds me a little of medicinated scents, because that's what clove and cinnamon do to me, but it still smells nice. My parents actually picked this one up so I don't mind it too bad.

This is all <3 Hope you have a lovely end of the world. Good thing Britney has a song about this.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Hello pretty humans of the earth,
how are you doing? I wanted today's post to be a little less shallow than the usual clothes, make up, and such that are usually what is going on in here, and a little less shallow than boy drama, and high school drama that, I mean, are inevitable when you're in high school.
A few days ago, right before I was about to head off to run errands for my winter ball, and I hear this craziness about a school shooting in Connecticut. I'm almost certain that the big majority of us has already heard about this. I was absolutely shocked. Frightened.
The idea that a living creature could just go and murder so many people, so many of which were innocent pure kids is simply incomprehensible to me. I don't know what went through that man's head, and I am certain I have no interest in finding out, but I cannot possibly grasp any possible reason to do such things.
The actual thing I wanted to say is that my heart goes out to all that were affected; to all the parents that lost their children; to all who have lost dear people; to all that had to witness such a thing by seeing, hearing, or feeling any of it; to all that had to go through the terror of thinking any of their loved ones had been hurt. My heart goes out to all of them.
The only thing I am capable of doing right now for you is to pray (as I am believing) for your lost ones and for you, because this world is so big and there I am so small, hoping that the little that I'm doing is even close to being enough, but knowing that nothing will ever be enough to amend your hearts that shattered to pieces that day, and that I can't take the pain that you're feeling right now, not now not ever, but still hoping that I can ease it just a little by telling you I'm here.
It's hard to see this world go nuts and slip out of your hands when not so long ago you believed it is all under control and that some hero will fix anything that isn't. I sat in the car and heard Hero by Nickelback the day that it happened, and it just described what I felt about the whole event, and about having our world slip out of our small tiny hands. I thought about all the heroes that sacrificed their lives that day, and that line kept popping into my head "They say that a hero can save us. I'm not gonna stand here and wait". I heard it and thought how amazing what they did was. They did not stand there and wait for a hero, because those heroes that were supposed to come and save them were far too late. They acted upon it, even though it cost them their lives.
I just think that's all that we can do in this world to make it a better place. We need to be our own heroes. We need to put other people's lives and feeling before our own, because that's the true essence of love. Because another stanza in the song says: "Someone told me love would all save us, but how can that be? Look what love gave us; a world full of killing, and blood-spilling. That world never came", and I myself would love to believe that someone that told him that love would save us. I want to believe that by loving people hard enough, that honest, humble kind of love, not the one that involves jealousy and hatred, that love, that love can make this place just a tiny bit better. That love can stop that one person from committing suicide. That love can make that one girl not throw up her entire meal. That love can just as well stop a lonely sad soul from harming others.
I hope this makes some sense to all of you. I hope you think this through, and maybe think before you say something mean to someone, or think of the selfless thing to do. Because even if it only made you think twice, and you still said what you said, that is one step closer to thinking about it and realizing you shouldn't. Love you all. Remember that. For anything you need I'm here <3 Don't be afraid to ask any question <3
Roni J. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

No-Fave November (November Favorites)

Long time no talk. How are we all? Hopefully well.
These past few weeks have sucked the dear life out of me. I swear the amount of tests, exams, quizzes, home work that they have given us over the course of the past few weeks has been devastating to my biological clock, and my sleep. I barely have any sleep, and I'm as jumpy and stressed as a deer on the run from some hunter's eye who's set him as a target. It's the restless time of the year, but it's begun in the beginning of the year, and has yet ended, which brings up the question: will my entire senior year be this hectic and nuts?
I have just had to fill all sorts of questionnaires regarding my future that will determine when I end up in the next four years or so. All sorts of applications that I speak an entirely different language, perhaps intentionally, that have so much impact on the rest of my life, which is so weird. I've been in school since I remember myself, almost. After 12 years, it seems so hard to leave, you know?
And then next week we're going on a trip to the desert, me and a large group of friends that includes some guy that I don't know how to detach feelings from, even though I know, and others know, and perhaps even he knows, that I am much better than him. Not in the snotty way at all, but the dear object, although quite sweet, is not the best student, he's lazy as far as I can see, and he does all sorts of things, like alcohol for example, which are a big no no to me. It's not that I'm saying that I'm much better being this goody two shoes than anyone who doesn't put much efforts into school or drinks, but what I want for myself is not that. I want, of course this is much of a fantasy, since practically any kid smokes or drinks nowadays, is a guy who really is quite good, and doesn't depend on such drugs, which in my opinion are bad habits that we can all do without, and maybe do even better at being better people without. Obviously, that's what I think about it, and I am done judging people who think differently, because just like I have my reasons, they have their reasons as well, and I cannot ever change that, I can only accept it.
To put it shortly (that could not be any longer) he's coming on a four day trip with me, and a lot of other friends to the desert. Three nights spent in tents under the starry sky (hopefully starry, because this weather's a bitch). I don't know which of the four scenrios scares me more:
 1. He will get to know me better, hate me better, and these four days will become my love story's tragic ending before it has even begun.
2. He will absolutely ignore me the entire time, and there will be no interaction between us whatsoever, even though I really want this, and it has a big part in me even going on this shitty hiking and camping trip.
3. He will get to know me better, like me better, but as a friend, and I will be heart broken, bleeding shattered heart smithereens on the tent's floor.
4. He will get to know me better, love me better, and I will be as frightened as ever, and run away like I was that same deer we were talking about earlier fleeing from a big hungry wolf.
Why am I not surprised if I'm FREAKING EXCITED about this trip.. Not.

Well, anyways this is not what we've assembled for today.
My November favorites, in contrast to what the title says are actually quite a long list.

Perfume: By far T. Swift's Wonderstruck perfume. Because it is so woody, it is so good for fall. It is just like a good blend of mysterious woods, sweet fruits, and sexy vanilla. It doesn't hold up for too long unless you makes to spray it into your hair and into the clothes you're wearing. I would love to take it with me and reapply during the day, but it's less practical unless you have a Travelo, or something of that sort.

Site and App: TUMBLR. I am an addict. If you haven't checked it out quite yet, you're absolutely welcome to on . It is just a collection of the most amazing things that make me smile and be happy, because they are so beautiful together and apart. I spend HOURS on this thing. Whenever I'm waiting for something I just go on it and spend loads of time.

Pants: Yes, my favorite stinking pants. They are a new purchase from Zara this month. My new beloved burgundy jeans. I wear these suckers everywhere all the time. They can be dressed up or down, and they add color to the boring winter color scheme.

Mug: My giraffe mug. Not only is it the best freaking cutest thing in this whole insane world, it is also HUGE, and I can cuddle with a big mug of any warm drink in front of a good movie, which brings me to the next three things.

Cuddling: With my family, and watching a movie is like the greatest thing about winter. I absolutely love my family, and I love that the holidays are coming, and that I get to spend time with them more, and that my birthday is coming :D, and that we are all together.

*50/50: A movie starring Joseph Gordon Levitt about a guy who discovers he has cancer, and his battle with the illness and all other hard things in life. It brought me to tears, and it made me smile, and the ending was a little too... but I won't tell you so that I don't spoil the movie, but I still loved it.
*Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close: A very sad story, which I read the book to a good few years ago. I mean like five years ago, and both the book and the movie are insanely sweet, and sad, and breathtaking. I loved the movie so much. Really recommend the book as well. With Sandra Bulock and Tom Hanks.
*Skyfall: Yes, I watched Skyfall, and it was incredible, especially the beginning with Adele's song, it was the best of the latest Bond movies, and a great action movie, but definitely not the best Bond movie. I cried there as well, because that's what I do. I cry in movies, and a movie that I don't cry in is basically not worth watching.

Homemade Chai: I love Starbuck's Chai Latte, but I am trying to eat and drink at home, as much as I can, so that I don't  waste so much money, so a great alternative is putting  these into a tea brewer: a bag of Masala Chai tea, if that's possible, or just regular Earl Gray, putting in a few cloves, grinding some nutmeg in, a dash of cinnamon, and some cranberries. You pour that into your favorite mug (giraffe mug is the best way to go at it), add some frothed milk, and sugar, as much as you like. YUMMY.

Book: Eve by Anna Carey. I have finished the book this month, and I have to say it was incredible, that is if you like dystopian novels, like the hunger games and such, and don't mind some more graphic scenes that take place in the book. I cried, which is once again, a good sign.

Kindle: I have gotten it in August, but just bought Eve for the first time on it. It has been so comfortable carrying it around, and reading, especially during the boring bio classes. This year's teacher is a train wreck.

Nail polish:  Stylenomics by Essie. I just love how it elongates your fingers, and gives them that festive color.

Song: Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. He's amazing really, and this song, and video, are both incredible and heartfelt. 

Hope you guys have a lovely holiday season no matter what you're celebrating, and I shall write you when I get back from the trip with all the details.
XOXO Roni J.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

99 Random Questions Tag

Hello girls. 
So very sorry for my long long absence. So many things have happened this week that I really... I really had to have a little break. For instance, I almost went on a date with a completely new guy that I know from a few years back and is two years older to a movie, when my sister-like friend told me he's a player, and when I said "hey it's been nice to talk to you, but I'm not really interested" his answer proved her right. That is all alright considering I still want Mr. object. I thought that in order to be a bit lighter we'll do a random tag. Wouldn't it be nice? Hope we all had a great Thanksgiving (whoever's American that is) and an even great black Friday.

1) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
I don't have a walk in closet, but I sleep with them closed. If I had a walk in closet I would have loved to have it open, and to see my closet in my dreams.
2) Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
No. I think that's a little rude, but no judgement there.
3) Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
AHHHH of course I sleep with them tucked out. Have I committed some deadly sin that I desetve being punished for by tucking my sheets in before I sleep?
4) Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
I'm this physically weak to a pathetic extant, goody two shoes girl. No I haven't.
5) Do you like to use post-it notes?
If by using them you mean sticking them to random places everywhere all the time, then yes. Very mature. I know.
6) Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
If I cut them I use them. If I don't need them, I don't cut them.

7)Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bee?

Well, I quite enjoy living. I think I chose the obvious NONE.
8) Do you have freckles?
Yup. Just a little on my cheeks, though.

9) Do you always smile for pictures?
Not always, but mostly.

10) What is your biggest pet peeve?

Oh wow. I have so many. I hate clingy people. I hate when people enjoy being pathetic, and making you feel bad about everything you say to them. I hate people picking fights. I hate dramatic people basically haha. 

11) Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
No, I think of other things though. I love thinking when I walk almost as much as I love thinking in the shower.

12) Have you ever peed in the woods?

Yeah sure.

13) What about pooped in the woods?

Feminine much?

14) Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?

I love dancing. I dance when possible.

15) Do you chew your pens and pencils?
Hell no. That's nasty.

16) How many people have you slept with this week?

What are you? None.

17) What size is your bed?

Queen size. Well fitted for a queen much like myself ;)
18) What is your Song of the week?
22 by Taylor Swift :D
19) Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Hell yea. You know a guy has some style when he manages to style pink. 

20) Do you still watch cartoons?
Yup :)

21) Whats your least favorite movie?
Hard to choose. I like most movies. There is one comedy that I tried watching and didn't get through, but I wouldn't know what it was called for the life of me.
22) Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
In a bank account. Duh.
23) What do you drink with dinner?
Tea. Good warm herbal tea that soothes the heck out of me.
24) What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Ketchup I guess. Or sweet chilly sauce.
25) What is your favorite food?
Oh wow. Tough competition between steak and sushi. 

26) What movies could you watch over and over and still love?

Max Payne. It reminds me of my first date.

27) Last person you kissed/kissed you?

28) Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
Fo sho! Still am.
29) Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Probably not considering I want to be a politician, and that would be a BAD BAD idea.
30) When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Two months ago.
31) Can you change the oil on a car?
I don't even drive. Yup, I'm almost 18, and don't drive. As I've said, I just love walking.
32) Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33) Ever ran out of gas?
My mom has on the way to the mall I'd think. Other than that refer to #32 and #31
34) Favorite kind of sandwich?
When we drove up to Vermont three or four years ago, and had the most amazing Thanksgiving Turkey sandwich. Turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and heaven in a piece of bread.
35) Best thing to eat for breakfast?
I don't really eat breakfast, which is unhealthy, I know, but if I had to I would gladly eat English breakfast. Without the sausage, though, 'cause I hate sausage.

36) What is your usual bedtime?
Well, the usual is 11pm, but if I could go to sleep and wake whenever without worrying about school it would be 3am.
37) Are you lazy?
Depends how driven I am.
38) When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
Mostly fairies. Any freaking kind of fairy I could dress up as.
39) What is your Chinese astrological sign?
Pig. Very funny.
40) How many languages can you speak? 
Two  fluently, I would say, and two more, not so fluently. Would love to know every single language.

41) Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Nope. I rather reading a good book over it.
42) Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
43) Are you stubborn?
As stubborn as life has to offer.
44) Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
45) Ever watch soap operas?
Teen dramas are the best!!! All the depth that I have in me.
46) Are you afraid of heights?
47) Do you sing in the car?
I sing everywhere.
48) Do you sing in the shower?
As I've said already.
49) Do you dance in the car?
Possible. Not gonna lie. 

50) Ever used a gun?
Nah honey.

51) Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?

Too long ago.

52) Do you think musicals are cheesy?

Yes. But I love them.
53) Is Christmas stressful?
Of course not.
54) Ever eat a pierogi?
Yes. All too lovely.
54) Favorite type of fruit pie?
I don't really like pie. I don't really like desserts in general.
56) Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Model, singer, actress, dancer and superstar. That is until some mean girls messed with my head, and now I have stage fright. I will however be a politician and save the world.
57) Do you believe in ghosts?
 Should I?
58) Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
In the past more than in current days.
59) Take a vitamin daily?
Nah. My diet is very balanced.
60) Wear slippers?
Only the fuzziest of types. Or as missglamorazy would say only the rarest of slippers.
61) Wear a bath robe?
Nah. Not really. Only in fancy hotels.
62) What do you wear to bed?
Depending on the season really.
63) First concert?
Hmmm... Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, and Avril Lavigne. I had my fair share of stupidity.
64) Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Target I think.
65) Nike or Adidas?
Adidas I think.

66) Cheetos Or Fritos?

67) Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Both. Nut mixture!
68) Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
No, but I know what it means!
69) Ever take dance lessons?
Almost every single year of my life. Almost every kind of dance.
70) Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Something that makes them work their asses off. I like hardworking people.
71) Can you curl your tongue?
Yup. I can also touch it to my nose.... Freakk!
72) Ever won a spelling bee?
Never tried, but I am quite good at spelling.
73) Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
I think I have. At some point I must have.
74) Own any record albums?
My father owns some.
75) Own a record player?
No, but hopefully some day I will.
76) Regularly burn incense?
No, but I burn scented candles. Incense make me nauseous to be honest.
77) Ever been in love?
I don't think I'll ever know how to differ regular love from falling IN love.
78) Who would you like to see in concert?
Walk The Moon. They seem like so much fun.
79) What was the last concert you saw?
HMMM... Probably some local band at the fair. I'm really not sure.
80) Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot. Especially round this time of year.
81) Tea or coffee?

82) Sugar or snickerdoodles?

83) Can you swim well?
Yes, I do. And I love it. Such an easy way to calm down.
84) Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85) Are you patient?

86) DJ or band, at a wedding?
Paolo Nutini. Dream come true.
87) Ever won a contest?
A few stupid ones.
88) Ever have plastic surgery?
No. Don't plan to.
89) Which are better black or green olives?
90) Can you knit or crochet?
I used to, but kinda forgot.
91) Best room for a fireplace?
My room, or somewhere with a little nook that you can read books in.
92) Do you want to get married?
I don't really mind the ceremony itself, but I would love to have a partner to spend the rest of my life with, yes.
93) If married, how long have you been married?
Got time till then, honey.
94) Who was your HS crush?
So many and HS is not even over.
95) Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
Not anymore I don't. I do however cry quite a lot. Especially at the pain of others.
96) Do you have kids?
Thanks to all that's good and pure on this earth not yet.
97) Do you want kids?
I would love to have some of my own and at least one adopted, yes.
98) Whats your favorite color?
Green, blue, and burgundy.
99) Do you miss anyone right now?
Considering I used to live in a different country- hell yea. Many.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Empty (October Empties)

Hello hello there girls.
I have been wanting to do an empties post for October for quite some time seeing as a lot of products of mine have slowly run out this month, and I thought it would be great if I got to share my reviews with you. Slightly, though, this topic has become more and more relevant.
I am feeling terribly empty because of the whole story with the guy a week ago. I know I said I wouldn't talk about it, but it's hard to ignore the subject (yeah I think I should start calling him the subject, to be honest), when the subject goes to the same school as me, and all sorts of other activities besides school. I really wish he could disappear. Not in a bad way, just in a good way. It really isn't his fault I'm uninteresting to him. Some people we're attracted to, and some we aren't. I guess I'm not his type considering his type is everything that hands it to him easily. Sorry for being sarcastic. He's a sweet guy and doesn't deserve me talking about him like that when no one is to blame here. I am attracted to him, the feeling is not mutual, and that's alright, and yet it manages to piss me off. So I wish for him to get a real good job overseas for some strange reason, and disappear. And all this why? Because I am already transparent to him, and it drives me nuts. It's not that I am invisible. I wouldn't say that. He does talk to me once in a while. In the romantic way, though, hell no.

Then I get filled up with emptiness, because I don't know what to feel for him. I can't feel good things for him, because that would be delusional. I can't feel attracted to him, because that is not going to pay off, unless it's supposed to pay off in hysteria over everything he says, or everything he does, not just to you, but to every girl in his surrounding. I cannot feel hatred for him, because I am just not that person. I think hating people in general is a waste of time and emotions. I can't blame him, because he's just not the one to blame if there's anyone at all. So what I'm left with is emptiness. Every time we talk, every time I see him, every time something of his pops up on Facebook, there's just emptiness, the kind that drives you mad.
And, after all those illusions that crushing on someone gives you, after all of his sweet words and gestures, after getting excited by everything related to him, I feel all the more empty. It filled up a big part of my days, and thoughts, and having that gone, having that gone is quite hard. It's quite emptying.

The truth is, the sad truth is, I haven't really changed. I keep going back to the same kind of guys with the same kind of intentions, and I never learn from my mistakes. I mean the same thing happened with Bob a year and a half ago, when I saw him kissing another girl, at another party, and this just repeats itself. It's quite my fault to be honest. I am so focused on what he looks like on the outside, and I know I am shallow, and I don't think it's a bad thing up until it hurts someone. In this case, I just hurt myself.

So what else have we emptied this month besides ourselves? 
1) Head and Shoulders' Dry Scalp Care With Almond Oil shampoo. Honestly, I loved this shampoo just a little too much. I have quite the dry scalp, unfortunately, and this really helped, for the first 5 months I've used it. Yes, I got a little carried away, and hence my hair got "immune" to it, and my dry scalp appeared again. I will say, though, that I will come back to it after a while of letting my hair rest from it a little, because the smell of it is lovely, and my hair felt great after washing it with it. It is over all a great product, and no, it doesn't make my hair more oily, it is targeted to work on the scalps moisture not oils. 

2) My Labello in pomegranate. Pomegranate is my favorite thing in this world probably, but the taste of this one, unlike the rest of the range, is just a little too soapy to put on the lips. I love the smell and the color, but the taste... Nah. It isn't the greatest thing if you really need to care for your lips, but if it's just the daily use thing, then it's quite alright.

3) My beloved L'Oreal conditioner I talked about only yesterday, and you guys know I'm already with a brand new bottle of it. It's made my hair so soft for the touch, and it smell like honey and beautiful, great, glorious things. 

4) My beloved Midnight Pomegranate body butter by Bath and Body Works. I like it a lot. It makes my skin real smooth, and smell great, because it IS my favorite scent from Bath and Body Works after all. I just put it on my legs before I go to bed and dream the best smelling dreams, and wake up with a smile on my face. I have a back up already, which is good, because it would be a shame not to. 

May our emptiness become happiness. XOXO Roni J.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Those Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Hello there girls. How are we? Hope that well enough to read a little about my October favorites. Happy elected president to all the Americans in the crowd, by the way. And happy Friday, as well. There's just something about Fridays. The sun shines differently. If you look closely, you can definitely deter the difference between a Friday sunshine and an everyday sunshine. Even through the storming skies. The smell of the air is different. The air itself is lighter, and each house you pass by gives its own cooking scent. Sometimes you smell beef stew, sometimes you smell chicken noodle soup. I love Fridays.
I know that I am late again with this, but we all know it had to come sometime soon. My October favorites are here. This month has been quite constant with a lot of products, but very different to the past months. There are also many random favorites so keep reading :).


1) My ear cuffs. My pack of three ear cuffs. One in gold, one in silver and one in rose gold that I bought together in River Island in the very beginning of October while on the delegation. I have literally been wearing them every single day since. Sine there are three shades it's really just a blast to match one to every outfit, although, I must admit, I have worn the silver one the most. I wanted to get my helix pierced in the past, but I am quite against piercings and tattoos (on myself that is, on other people I even tend to like it), and have heard a thousand horror stories about getting it pierced that I decided I better just go for a fake one. Plus I like that they're wider that the piercing itself better than the width of the average piercing. 

2) Hats. Yes, hats. I love beanies like a mustardy yellow one from Forever 21 I bought approximately 5 years or 4 years ago. I also love bowler and wool hats like one I've seen in Zara, which costs quite a lot for me, because I am not a working person who's still dependent on her parents a little too much to waste money on things like that, but I have one just like it in gray without all the embellishments. They are such a cute wintery addition to any fall winter outfit. I do find that this picture makes it look a little brighter than it is in real life just so you know. 
3) Maxi skirts. Me and my sister (who's finally back, by the way, don't know if I mentioned this at all) have gotten really into them. I have one that's burnt red from Weekdays, one that's olive green from River Island, and a black one from Forever 21. They are seriously the most flattering thing I have worn in my life. 

1) Star of Bombay nail polish by Orly. Oh, how I love me some dark winter nail polishes. This one is the perfect one for fall, because it looks black unless you're in the light, in which it gets the bluish purplish tinge. I wore it so so much this month, and I am not one to wear one color constantly at all.

2) L'Oreal Elvive Re-Nutrition conditioner. A bit of an odd one, but it is seriously the most softening conditioner I have ever used. With my hair being dyed and all, which I will be removing soon, because I have a pet peeve with split ends. Split ends make me OCD. My hair naturally is really freaking healthy, because I never straighten, curl, or use products on it besides shampoo and conditioner, and I cannot stand its current state. Yet, somehow it remains soft thanks to this savior of a conditioner. I really love it. I've gone through five or six bottles of it already, because it's a constant favorite two years now. 

3) Toni Gard for women eau de perfum. It is a sweet, sophisticated, but not old scent. It's actually my sister's, but I stole it, because that's what little sisters do. I have gotten so many compliments on it when I wore it that I decided "hmm.. Me gusta!".
1) Corny love songs. I was, unlike me at all, in a loving mood this month, and got butterflies, and was like the average teenage girl this month. For examples: When I Look To The Sky by Train, For You I Will by Teddy Geiger, Begin Again by Taylor Swift, and Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg.

2) Revenge the T.V. show. Me and my sister started making it our little thing to watch the first season together. We started watching it because the lead has actually played in Brothers And Sisters, which is another show we loved. We are on episode 4 or 5 of the first season, and it is twisted, and I love the revealing the past. It is displaying everything that's bad about us humans: greedy, grudge holders that are incapable of forgiving others. I love it. The acting is actually quite good, as well. I actually really like the tattoo she has of forever and always or something like that with the two infinity signs.

3) Looper the movie. I know many people say it's crapy, but I absolutely loved it. Me and my friend went to watch it this month and it was so confusing. It's about time traveling and all crazy things like that. It's abso-freaking-lutely incredible. It's surprising, and crazy, and sad, and wonderful. Loved it so much.

4) Fishbowl Racer!! My favorite iPhone app game of all times. It's the most mind numbing probably, as well. It's one of those games that make you stupid. You need to make the bowl jump, and the fish jump, and it's just freaking awesome. Don't try it if you want to have social life, because this shenanigans is addictive.

5) Red, Taylor Swift's album and particularly the song Last Time, which is a collaboration with Gary Lightbody from Snow Patrol, which I love on its own, but it is so charming, and sad, and you can feel raw emotions in it. I just adore it, and have played it over and over so many times.

Hope we have a lovely November. Love you all. XOXO Roni J.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Hello my dear dear girls.
How have you been? How was Halloween? I thought I would do a post about it, but really I didn't do much in the end to my deep sincere dismay. I did have a good time at a Halloween slumber party with two of my friends eating candy we were otherwise supposed to give little children that never came trick or treating at our door, and watching scary film. I wouldn't call Shutter Island or the Changeling Halloween movies, but they definitely creep the shenanigans out of me.
My Friday was quite horrid. I had to deal with a lot of stupid people and have drama,which I hate. Why did I have to go through all that drama? Part of it is actually because I was trying to avoid some other drama.
Remember the guy friend I talked about here on few occasions, most of them were fights. He was a really good guy friend of mine up until the summer when he started being really dramatic and the two most hated qualities in humans in my opinion, clingy and making you feel bad for what ever you do that they don't like. So I said, dude, I hate that, I am not going to suffer through it. Let me go.
Time passed and he started dating a friend of mine from a different city that I ( big big mistake) had them meet, and he decided it would be cool to start dating her when I was in China and didn't know.... Yea. Drama. So she lives far away and I've only seen her once these past six months, and we really are really close friends. We decided a few weeks ago that she'll come here, and ever since then, ever since then he's been telling me what to do. "I want Friday"-"Yea, no, I have already planned Friday for her"-"Fine then. I get all Saturday with her". "I wanna surprise her so you have to bring her here and here at whatever time". "Are you picking her up from the train station?"-"Yup, why?"-"Then bring her around my house first so I can say 'hi' to her".
Fucck no. So Friday comes around, and we have a big dinner with some other guests planned and this doesn't suit me anyways, and the more time passes the least I wanna have her here, even though I know it's not all her fault. Anyways we're preparing the meal and I get a text from her saying that if it's uncomfortable for me he can pick her up. Obviously I have to help in the kitchen, but on the other hand I know that if he picks her up I won't get to see her. Like ever. So I say fuck it try can just be together the entire time and it doesn't matter that she's going home on Saturday so when she came Friday it was after school and I had little time with her, I don't even get Sunday or Saturday. Coming to town for me? Yea, I don't think so. To put things shortly I barely had any time with her and she also bailed on me last minute when we said we'll go to a party. I got so annoyed and so tired of all of it so I decided to go to the party anyways. I was frustrated and needed to get out.
Obviously if things didn't go up hill until now, why would they start to now? So we head off to the club. I try and forget that I'm pissed at so many things other than just that story. We go in, there are some very good songs we dance have fun blah blah blah, but then they change the DJ and he starts putting some... Weird mixes to some very weird songs, and me and another friend are like alright there are two rooms, in the other they play rock music, which I love, but still think it's a little less clubby, you know. We got to the other room to see what's there, because the other room is getting boring as hell. We hear the music there's not good either, and we're about to head out when BAM! Into my face like a my little pony, so magical, jumps the sight of little mr. Ben (-the guy I wanted) making with another girl. I don't even know why I was so surprised. I knew that's who he is. He is a player, and he enjoys it very much. For what kind of twisted stupid idea did I think I need to be the one that fixes that? He likes it, and, if I like him, although I find it wrong and have been educated against it all my life, what kind of right do I have to even think of taking that away from him? Obviously I shall never become one of those girls who give it all so easily. I'm just not that, surely not for a guy like him that will just move on to the other. I am far too wise to think that giving it to him easily the first time means that he'll love me forever. It's not about playing it hard to get, not at all, but I just know that whatever comes too fast, goes too fast.
And so we walk out. I sit on the couches outside to let out some steam texting friends that didn't come. At first my friend came with me, and then she went inside to dance a little and then came back. I didn't expect her to, but it was nice to have her there. I went through this in my head. I wrote some notes on my iphone saying things like: "Let me go", and "It was worth it to be off cloud nine and back on the ground. I needed to remember that he's not a prince charming". I kinda had to remind myself who I am, and that he really is just like all them guys before that I don't even look at anymore. I got a burst of energy, went back in, thankfully they changed the DJ again, so the songs were better, and I danced my legs off.
"Now here you go again. You say you want your freedom. Well, who am I to keep you down? It's only right that you should play it how you feel it".
After a few good songs we were all really tired and went back outside to sit around a table, and there comes mr. Not So Charming No More, or in short nscnm(?) to sasy "hi" to me for the first time, and acts like quite a big dick (sorry for the language today), says "hi" like a jerk, and sits next to us around the table. By this point I'm a cold heartless bitch, because I don't let myself groan over things like that for too long, and I flash him an honest 'I don't give a crap' smile.
One of his sluts comes and sits in his lap, and he's rejecting her, because that's what he does best, he's playing. I take it all in, I analyze it, I weigh the pros and cons, and I get to the beautiful conclusion that it's time to dance a few last songs and go home happyhearted. I got rid of another weight in my life that I don't need.
"Thunder only happens when it's raining. Players only love you when they're playing".
I am a dreamer, I am, but I am also a realist. I know it's a weird combination, but I know when I must dream, and when I must wake. I loved dreaming that something might ever happen between us the past three months or so, but I also loved just being back on the ground, where I belong at the end of the day. I shall not talk about this much more after this post. I shall not pay him undeserved attention, unless he ever changes. I don't tarry around too much.
Hope you have a lovely week. Hope we all. XOXO a much more realistic Roni J.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall-ing In Love Again

Hello girls! Happy happy weekend to us all!
Tomorrow I'll be on a trip, so I decided to write today, when I have time to, and I'm not after a long tiring trip. Hope you like the fact that I posted this song, because I absolutely love this song. For some reason it reminds me of seventh through eighth grade, and makes me so nostalgic. Unfortunately, though, I haven't found many people who know it. And it is a falling in love song that fits the windshield wipers' motion. Aghhhh *sigh of relief* I'm fall-ing in love with this season yet again.

Today I walked out of the house to find the most beautiful sight. The rain was just pouring down, but the sun was shining through. Apparently my parents witnessed the most beautiful of rainbows, but I didn't get to. I absolutely love the fall or autumn season, and this just signified the start of the season. Finally. The first true rainstorm of the season. I walked on to the porch and I just felt blissful. The smell of the wet pavement, the little rivers created by the huge puddles that you have to jump over to get across to the car, the little teardrop like drops on your lushes, the movement of the windshield wipers, the songs, they all make me feel so amazingly good.
Not to speak of the lovely little talk we've had with the mister yesterday night. It was short. It was quick. And yet, it was just as satisfying to see him write "Goodbye, my love :)". I don't know if he said it because he meant it, or if it is just a thing you say these days, but it made me smile like a fool. Who doesn't like smiling like a fool?

How lovely is the sight of all that? I love it when my face is cold, but my body is all wrapped up and huddled in a bunch of winter clothes. Can't imagine many things I love more than the rain season.
 We had our seniors' fair yesterday at school when it started drizzling a little, and we all, 200 seniors, started dancing in the rain, still in our t-shirts  and shorts, shall I  add, and it was the most incredible sight and feeling. So unified, so happy, genuinely feeling like we're about to finish school so very soon. Just dancing to the sounds of loud, obnoxious dance music that I wouldn't listen to on any other occasion but this one, dancing like mad fools, singing out the lyrics, having the best time of our lives; dancing like an odd tribally rain dance.
This is it. Finally sinking in like the pouring rain into the muddy ground, this is our last year at school. After 12 years we've spent, some together, some apart, we're about to finish this year, and each one of us will go on their own way, following their own dreams, with their group of friends, maybe not even, and we might never see each other again, or only see each other in our reunion, which will be in a very long time from now, when God only knows where each of us will be. How crazy is that? How insane? I can't imagine that I might never see some of those guys I had a crush on (half of the school basically. Kidding. Maybe), or some of the people I was on the delegations with, and traveled to the other side of the earth with, or some of my teachers that have been an enormous part of my high school experience. How odd will it be to see them again, years from now? All of them changed, or maybe just as they were, all of them married, or just as they were, all of them gray and silver, or maybe, well, white.
My dad just had his first reunion in many many years a week or two ago. He literally had a hard time falling asleep in the days before and after the event. He couldn't really put his finger on the reason why: was it the fact that he was excited to see how everybody has changed, or that he didn't know whom he might meet that might spark an old feeling of love, friendship or anger, that he was surprised at how old everybody looks all of a sudden, or where some people turned out.
Following that I've had a few weird dreams thinking of what mine might look like years from now. In some of them I end up exactly the way I want to turn up, in some I meet an old love, in some I decide not to show up.
Have you ever had a reunion? How was it? Have you thought about what yours might look like? What you might look like in yours?
Here's the first day of true fall's weather outfit:
 My coat is from Mango. I love the combat trend, as always, and as seen in the combat boots I'm wearing. Military is always a favorite trend of mine to rock in the winter months. It is also very very warm, which, the cold freak that I am, I must be warm at all times.
The jeans are an old pair I bought from a local store, and only recently have discovered again. A little torn up, but not too much. 
The scarf is literally the softest fuzziest scarf ever. It is an infinity off white scarf from Primark. It is from last year, but they must have ones like this out this season as well, especially with their Christmas-y  stuff. The boot are from a local boutique, and they are last year's pair. I just L-O-V-E them so much. So comfortable and useful. Agh *another pleasureful sigh*.
The cross earrings are from China. I love these. They are so dainty and small considering I don't like being BAM in your face about wearing crosses, but I love the shape nonetheless. The ear cuff is from a pack of three in River Island. There are the rose gold and gold ones as well, but I felt like silver is a lot more wintery for some reason.
Hope we all have a lovely weekend, and wish me a nice trip considering it's mad rain outside. XOXO Roni J.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Burrrr-gundy (Trend Alert #3)

Hello hello my precious jewels,
How is our week starting out? I had quite the interesting day. I met a few really nice girls through an activity, and that's one of the things I love most.
Anyways, what we are really hear to talk about is about the fall-winter color this season. To be honest it's been here last fall-winter season as well. It is, as guessed by the title, burgundy. Deep wine reds, blood reds, and plumy reds are all welcome this season. The warmth festivity of this color brings the slightest pop of color into the regular neutral fall outfits. It's been seen on the runways in almost every big name designer's show. One of my personal favorites is Sophie Theallet's dress that's shown to the right. It is so sexy, feminine, and yet quite wearable for a designer piece. This shade is rather more of a crisp cherry red, and this entire piece seems to be inspired by an Indian Sari perhaps, which I love. Another Favorite is Jason Wu's cape shown to the left. It's a much deeper, more purple toned, wine shade, and the lace detailing on the shoulders is just so sexy and precious, also quite wearable.
Obviously, to me at least, most people can't really afford to pay for such designer items. What can we do about it? What can we do about it? Oh, yea, there are some other companies that makes clothes on earth that are far less expensive.
Here are a few less expensive options:
American Eagle Outfitters' burgundy corduroy pants. I love the uber skinny cut on these. I think that their deep unusual color for a pant is very flattering. You can cuff the ends even to make it look like it's elongating your legs. It's not the brightest burgundy so it plays off pretty neutral, or neutral enough to put it together with almost every color you want.

Another more lively choice would be a sweater from Forever 21. I love that it looks like a wafer knitting. It looks real warm and soft for winter and can be layered on top of a collared shirt to make it a little more preppy. love this color, which is a bit more on the orange side than the previous true plum red.

Another option is this short sleeved sweater from Pac Sun. It has a really burnt red, and tribally feel to it, which, you probably know by now, I am head over heels for. It suits the people who live in the warmer climates, much like myself, and still want to wear the fall trends.

A pop of color option for an outfit could be this leather clutch from urban Outfitters. I personally don't feel the most comfortable with leather-y things, but I mean if you do, by all means, this clutch is a gorgeous, very wearable piece.

A favorite from the list to me is this warm jacket by Topshop. It is a really dark, almost brown, shade of burgundy, oxblood, whatever you call it. It reminds me a lot of my rain coat, which is basically the same, but is in gray, which I love.

Now that you see all the options, look in your closet, or your mom's, or you sister's, or whomever's, maybe even you brother or boyfriend, and search for a little something burgundy to add to your outfit. Might end up looking gorgeous.
XOXO Roni J.